Tuesday 5 December 2017

Work party - December 3rd 2017

Bit of a grey, damp morning for our last work party of the year. Most of the leaves have now fallen from the trees and with the nettles and other undergrowth dying back, whole new vistas open out where you can see right through the wood.

 The hunt for brambles encroaching on the path edges continues. These scrubby bits are added to brash line on the woodland boundary.

Iris foetidissima  (stinking iris) plants were divided and potted up. This native iris has insignificant yellow flowers in spring but amazing bright orange berries in the autumn which the birds love.

It took a bit of effort with the dry soil but 6 native honeysuckles were successfully planted to grow up some mature trees. In the top picture you can also see the ash trees marked for thinning out.

In the glade area, one of the old seating logs was removed to make way for a new bench to match the other three. A good start was made on digging the holes for the posts in dry, heavy clay soil. One of the holes was filled with water to soften the earth and this task will be completed at a later date.

And to finish pig club sausage hot dogs and giant toasted marshmallows.