Friday 7 December 2018

Sunday 2nd December 2018 - Work Party

In spite of the poor weather forecast, we went ahead with the work party and were rewarded with unseasonably warm weather and even a bit of sunshine. Some of the team were at the village playground cutting back overhanging branches and the rest of us were in the woodland.

There was the last round of leaf raking, and blowing, on the paths, the sallow was coppiced and the sticks stuck in to thicken up the den structure. Hopefully they will grow!
The old ash poles were taken out of the den and sawn up to replenish the wood store. We also chopped up some logs to fill up the kindling box.

The fire was lit and I attempted to make popcorn but it needs refining a bit, we will try again with a longer chain and heavier bottomed pan.
The fire did come in handy for warming the scones at refreshment time though. Thanks Erin for a lovely spread!

Monday 5 November 2018

Pumpkin lantern trail 31st October 2018

Fortunately we picked a dry day in the middle of a wet week. Lots of fun and pumpkins as usual.

The woodland group provided hot punch, hot chocolate to drink and marshmallows and sausages to toast on the fire pit

Ian's pumpkin - photo credit Brian

Many thanks to Steve for the use of his photos too.

Friday 2 November 2018

Sunday 28th October 2018 - Work Party

It had rained all Saturday but stopped long enough, on Sunday,for us to start preparations for the Halloween pumpkin trail. This is the reason that we had another October session, bringing forward the November one.

The stakes for the lanterns were banged in along the main pathway and the leaves cleared again.

The leaf pile is growing

Some stinking iris, Iris pseudocorus, plants, propagated at a previous session, were planted in the plum bed. This proved quite tricky as the ground is still really hard.

The fire pit was laid ready for Wednesday and covered up. We had a walk round the wood to decide the winter work programme.

Red campion still flowering.

If you are visiting the woodland soon, it is worth popping out the path at the top to look at the field of sunflowers. A good addition to attract different wildlife to the area.

The quince are ready, A good crop this year.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Sunday 7th October 2018 - Work Party

There was an autumnal feel in the woodland this month and the first bit of leaf raking for this year. It was lovely to have a bit of sunshine after a lot if rain the day before.

The apples were picked from the Baldwin heritage apple tree. Bit difficult to see here!

We made a start on reinstating the little ditch which runs through the centre of the woodland. At this stage it was just removing small shrubs with hand tools but we did make a difference.

The noticeboard was updated with a new quiz and a bigger hole made in the bottom of the fire pit for improved drainage. The hazel trees in the den area were mulched to keep in the moisture which will help with growth. The den is in a shady part of the wood and they are taking a long time to grow. 

Harvestman on the firepit

Monday 3 September 2018

Sunday 2nd September 2018 - Work Party/meeting/social

Absolutely beautiful day, not too hot, not too cold and the sun was shining. We started off with the usual work party. It didn't begin too well with a flat tyre on the wheelbarrow, I pumped it up but it went down straight away so something that needs to be sorted out properly.

 The plums weren't as ripe as I had hoped so only a few were picked but there are lots still to come. There were also some delicious damson/ wild plum hybrids to try in different parts of the wood.

The fire pit was lit, the first time for ages, and wood was brought from the log pile and sawn into suitable lengths for use now and later. 
The glade was given a quick mow to tidy up the long grass but the paths have only just started growing again.
The path edge bramble pulling took place as usual and some fruit trees were given gentle shaping.

Tasks done, we stopped for coffee and a group meeting while the food was cooking. Good to catch up and discuss plans all together.

Meeting done, the social event began. Lots of tasty food and great company. Thanks everyone for a lovely day.

Last week the fairy ring re-appeared at the top of the wood, it is still visible but gone over now.

Also spotted big fungus in ash tree, possibly chicken of the woods but we didn't test it!

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Sunday 5th August 2018 - Work Party

Apart from a couple of downpours, we haven't had any rain since last month so it was surprisingly green still in the woodland.

 The plan was to cut back two areas of long grass and rake off and remove cuttings. This will help to control the brambles and dock and allow the spring flowers space to grow in due course. Cutting and removing the vegetation will eventually reduce the nutrient value of the soil which is better for wild flowers.

So, much cutting, raking and barrowing later, here we have the cleared area with the grass still quite long. It is a fine balance between managing the woodland and keeping it natural.  

We found loads of ladybirds in grass which is good news for gardeners with aphids that need removing.
Photo credit - Flossie 
Wild arum, lords and ladies, cuckoo pint, Arum maculatum, whatever you call it has stunning orange berries and the birds love it.

The noticeboard is getting regularly updated with pictures and a quiz. Thanks Erin!

The plums are coming along nicely, not quite ready yet.

 And after a hard morning's work we always have refreshments and time for a chat.

Busy at work!