Monday 5 November 2018

Pumpkin lantern trail 31st October 2018

Fortunately we picked a dry day in the middle of a wet week. Lots of fun and pumpkins as usual.

The woodland group provided hot punch, hot chocolate to drink and marshmallows and sausages to toast on the fire pit

Ian's pumpkin - photo credit Brian

Many thanks to Steve for the use of his photos too.

Friday 2 November 2018

Sunday 28th October 2018 - Work Party

It had rained all Saturday but stopped long enough, on Sunday,for us to start preparations for the Halloween pumpkin trail. This is the reason that we had another October session, bringing forward the November one.

The stakes for the lanterns were banged in along the main pathway and the leaves cleared again.

The leaf pile is growing

Some stinking iris, Iris pseudocorus, plants, propagated at a previous session, were planted in the plum bed. This proved quite tricky as the ground is still really hard.

The fire pit was laid ready for Wednesday and covered up. We had a walk round the wood to decide the winter work programme.

Red campion still flowering.

If you are visiting the woodland soon, it is worth popping out the path at the top to look at the field of sunflowers. A good addition to attract different wildlife to the area.

The quince are ready, A good crop this year.