A much brighter day and a much greener woodland than last month. It was a lovely spring morning with birds singing, a woodpecker drumming and bees humming.
The fruit bushes, left over from when the site was an orchard and gradually increasing in number, were weeded gently so as not to become smothered by nettles. There is only one raspberry but several currant bushes which are now in flower so we might find out what colour this year.
Raspberry stem by Flossie |
Currant flowers |
The oaks at the glade entrance were lightly pruned and various other small branches around the woodland removed as necessary. A large multi-stemned sallow, also near the glade entrance, was coppiced. It needs to be cut right down to control it's size and will soon shoot up again.
Pruning the oaks |
Coppicing |
As usual, coarse weeds were targeted in the path edges and some local primroses added around the plum trees. The top was taken off a large ash tree to allow more light to the den. Hopefully the hazel trees will get tall enough to create the den structure soon.
Plum blossom |
Red campion |
A productive morning was followed by very civilised refreshments in Neil's garden.