We started off in the churchyard, admiring the blue scabious, both field and small, in flower at the moment and the pyramidal orchids just going over but what a lot of them!
Most of the site is long grass with mown paths for access. It takes careful management to create such an abundance of wild flowers and grasses helped in part by the thin chalky soil. It was notable how many bees, butterflies and other insects there were too.
Small copper |
Taking a path at the rear, we followed the footpath to Broomhill Wood, managed by the community. The wood is on a steep bank, which we climbed, with a bit of scrub and some mature trees.
Walking along the top. |
Big trees have to be measured!
Eventually the vegetation thinned and opened out to steeply sloping grassy meadow full of more wild flowers and a perfect spot for a group photo.
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Photo credit Glenn |
We continued along the top, stopping for a bit of plant id, and then followed the path on a steep scramble to the bottom again with the scent of Lady's bedstraw wafting on the breeze
The centaury flower, Centaurium erythraea, which, according to Bach flower remedies, is for people who find it difficult to say no to others. |
Lady's bedstraw Gallium verum |
The bottom path follows the lower site boundary and took us back to where we started, then back through the churchyard to find the car. Many thanks to Ian for organising.
Gargoyle on St Marys Church, Coddenham |