I think that we all remarked on how lovely it looked at some point in the morning. The foxgloves are out, as shown in the photo, and everything else is green and lush. It was a humid day, warm and a bit sticky, armed with a long list of jobs, we set to work
At this time of year it's not surprising that the paths need most attention. Mowed once in between work parties, it was time to do it again. The cow parsley, now finished flowering, also got cut back along the path edges and around some of the newer fruit trees.
The picnic table got a thorough clean and a first coat of Danish oil to protect the wood.
3 bat boxes, 2 via freecycle and one made by Richard were attached to a suitable tree. They need to been in an open area near to where bats feed and arranged on different sides of the trees as the bats like to move from one to another for optimum temperature. The lines are cuts in the wood which help the bats to grip when climbing up the backboard into the hole.
Honeysuckle in the glade |
An small ash tree with ash dieback was removed as was a completely dead viburnum in the glade. The fruit bushes were cleared again, some gooseberries visible, and the raspberry tied in.
Looking green! Paths all mown.