The weather was kind to us this morning and the sun even came out. It was a bit soggy underfoot though.

Some good news to start, Matthew Hicks our county councillor, has agreed to let us spend some of his locality budget on tools, and here they are!
Up to now we have mostly relied on people bringing their own tools but this will enable us to be more inclusive allowing anyone to turn up and join in, with tools and safety equipment available.
We also managed to apply for, and get, hedge plants and guards from the Woodland Trust, via the Suffolk Tree Warden Network. So our main focus for the morning was planting a new hedge. Here's Jeannie showing us the planting technique.
And here's work in progress. We split into hole digging, tree planting and guards teams and managed to maintain social distancing.
Here is more progress and the finished planting. We plan to mulch the hedge in the future, and control the weed growth along the verge to give it the best chance to grow.
Meanwhile in the wood, the noticboard was renewed and the bird feeders re-filled, this is done regularly in the week.
There was also a second team of volunteers on leaf raking duty. All done until next year.
We have had very heavy rainfall over the last week but the new pipe and raised path are working well and the stream is pooling and flowing in all the right places.
A good turn out of volunteers and much work accomplished.