Cherry blossom and blue skies in the woodland.
There was a big turnout and some new recruits for our first work party of 2021. I had a long list of jobs but we got them all done.
The first job was to move the brash, twiggy bits, from the felled trees on to the dead hedge line which goes along the boundary of the wood.
We had a bit of help with collecting the logs and piling them up for sale in the future.
The hedge, planted in December, was mulched a thick layer of organic matter to will stop the weeds growing and help to keep as much moisture in the soil as possible. This will give the hedge plants the best chance to grow.
It's a never ending job, clearing the brambles from the path edges and some more of this was done today. Some Ragged Robin plants were added to the damp area and grass seed sown on the bare soil where the pipe was laid.
The picnic table was cleaned ready for use again.
Hazel trees were planted a number of years ago to form the structure of the den and have taken a long time to get going but are finally putting on some growth. The den area was given a tidy up with the dead bits removed and the trees mulched.
Plum blossom |
Top end of the wood greening up.
Other small jobs included lightly pruning the fruit bushes and pulling back the vegetation around the new bluebells, just coming into flower.
Time for a socially distanced drink at the end.