Sunday, 16 February 2025

Sunday 2nd February 2025 - work party

 It was a bright, crisp morning, hurrah, and despite most people having to leave early due to other commitments, we got a lot done.

Beautiful morning shadows.

As an experiment, we didn't clear the leaves as usual in December but the oak leaves in the glade were still laying thickly, because they take a long time to rot down. As the grass is now trying to grow, the glade was raked and the leaves added to the compost heap.  We left the paths as it would just make them more muddy if they were cleared.

Raking the glade
The snowdrops are flowering and looking lovely, there are a good number now but some were covered by brambles so these were cleared away.
Snowdrop under the brambles

Bramble clearing in progress.

Jeannie lightly pruned some of the fruit trees. It's not an ideal position as it is too shady in the woodland but we do our best.

Clearing vegetation around the snowdrops

Some hazel was coppice and long poles added to the den, other bits were put aside for future use.

Snowdrops all cleared.

Sunshine at the top of the woodland.

Hazel catkins 

A lot of dead wood was also collected and added to the log piles .

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