Thursday 22 October 2020

Fairy ring 2020


Some pictures of the fairy ring at the top of the wood, which has made another appearance.

Sunday 4 October 2020

Work Party - Sunday 4th October 2020


It was a very wet morning, although it's still sinking into the ground at the moment so the woodland is looking lush and green and the ditches are still dry. 

A small group of us walked around the wood to discuss the annual report that has been recently produced by a local woodland expert. 

We looked at proposed work, to take place over the next five years, and the successful outcomes of our management so far.

We were able to plant 100  bluebell bulbs along the banks of the middle ditch and then we went home to get dry. We will add to this stock in further years.

The bird feeders continue to be replenished by Richard on a regular basis and are a good place to sit and watch the birds.